About Us
Photo credit Nicole Bowman.
Lucky Dog Rescue is an all-volunteer, non-profit animal rescue organization dedicated to saving the lives of homeless animals and educating the community on responsible pet ownership. Lucky Dog does not have its own facility. Instead, our dogs stay with temporary fosters and boarding partners while they wait to find their forever home. What makes us very different from other rescues is that we are dedicated to training and what happens after the dog is in his new home. We offer basic obedience raining classes to all our adopters. All our dogs are completely checked over and must be cleared by our vet for adoption. All dogs are altered, fully vaccinated, micro chipped, registered with county had a blood test to make sure we are not missing anything. You can be confident you are adopting a healthy, well adjusted dog from Lucky Dog Rescue.
We hold adoption events where you can meet our Lucky Dogs and their foster, but more commonly we arrange private meetings for adopters.
Our volunteers are more than just volunteers, and our dogs are more than just dogs. We are a family. And we welcome you to become a part!
Lucky Dog Rescue came into existence after one individual (Lisa, founder) started saving one dog at a time back in late March of 2004. It began as a Dalmatian rescue, originally named Dalmatian Station.
After seeing so many nice, highly adoptable dogs sitting in concrete cells in the county shelters, being put to sleep when no one came to the rescue, it quickly evolved into an all breed commitment, and we began saving several other breeds and mixes too! We are now a growing group of dog lovers who help all breeds and are committed to giving dogs a second chance at finding a forever home.
We function solely on donations and volunteer help. If you’d like to be a part of this fun, growing group of dog lovers, please don’t hesitate to call us or email us with any questions! We’d be happy to have you design your own job description based on your talents and areas of interest. We always need volunteer help!
Foster homes are always needed and essential to the foundation of the rescue program. Please consider opening your heart and home to save a homeless dog!
Dee – Executive Director Dee@LuckyDogRescue.org
For general questions about Lucky Dog Rescue please email us at adoptions@LuckyDogRescue.org
For infomation on becoming a foster home:
Dee Alschuler, Director

Our little Dachshund, Lily. Photo credit Nicole Bowman.